Interactive Science Notebook
Here is a link to the Interactive Science Notebook (ISN) for Diversity of Life. (OLD from 2015/16) - This page will be updated later in 201718
Big Aha!
Make it Real! Science at Home -
Lesson 0 - Setup Notebook
Day 1 - New TOC, Unit Cover Page, Big Aha! & Storyline
Day 1 - New TOC, Unit Cover Page, Big Aha! & Storyline
Lesson 1 - Living or Non-Living?
Day 1 - It's Alive; Living & Non-Living Sort Card
Day ? Stand and Converse: How do you know something is living?
Lesson 2
Day 2 - Microscopes ; Helpful video on how to use a microscope
Day 3 (Date) - Elodea
Day ? (Date) - Transition Improv: Similar-Different Plant Cells and Animal Cells
Day 1 - It's Alive; Living & Non-Living Sort Card
Day ? Stand and Converse: How do you know something is living?
Lesson 2
Day 2 - Microscopes ; Helpful video on how to use a microscope
Day 3 (Date) - Elodea
Day ? (Date) - Transition Improv: Similar-Different Plant Cells and Animal Cells
Why Life Doesn't Really Exist? - Scientific American
Biodiviersity - Bill Nye
Facts of Evolution: Cassiopeia Project
Cells - Billl Nye
Organization of Life
Eyeballs - Bill Nye
Flowers - Bill Nye
Brains - Bill Nye
Sensory notes
Planting Lettuce - Peaceful Valley
Diffusion and Osmosis - GCSE Bitesize
Plants Structures and Functions - also shared on Sophia
Lab Techniques
How to Prepare a wet mount slide of cheek cells
How to Prepare a wet mount slide of onion cells
Stay Healthy!
Spanish Influenza 1918
Myth Buster: Sneeze Test
Myth Buster: Hand Towel vs. Drier
Germ Wars
Germ Attack Song
Making the Invisible Visible
Why Life Doesn't Really Exist? - Scientific American
Biodiviersity - Bill Nye
Facts of Evolution: Cassiopeia Project
Cells - Billl Nye
Organization of Life
Eyeballs - Bill Nye
Flowers - Bill Nye
Brains - Bill Nye
Sensory notes
Planting Lettuce - Peaceful Valley
Diffusion and Osmosis - GCSE Bitesize
Plants Structures and Functions - also shared on Sophia
Lab Techniques
How to Prepare a wet mount slide of cheek cells
How to Prepare a wet mount slide of onion cells
Stay Healthy!
Spanish Influenza 1918
Myth Buster: Sneeze Test
Myth Buster: Hand Towel vs. Drier
Germ Wars
Germ Attack Song
Making the Invisible Visible