7th Grade Interactive Science Notebook
Unit Table of Contents (TOCs)
Absent? You are responsible to make up any missed work. Download missing handouts or get them from the Catch-up binder. If they aren't in there, then use the class photocopier to make a copy of a classmate's notes. You must create your own left hand side.
Lost your notebook? You will can print out the Table of Contents (ToC) and right hand side notes, AND you will need to recreate the left hand side notes.
New TOC Page? The Table of Contents gets tapped into the inside cover at the top. Tape new TOCs over old ones so they flip up.
Lost your notebook? You will can print out the Table of Contents (ToC) and right hand side notes, AND you will need to recreate the left hand side notes.
New TOC Page? The Table of Contents gets tapped into the inside cover at the top. Tape new TOCs over old ones so they flip up.
Unit Title Pages
Every time we start a new unit, you will create a unit title page. Unit title pages are always on the right hand side. These are the expectations:
Put a tab on the page with the unit name, ex. U1: Photosynthesis.
- Title name including the unit number, ex. Engineering: Unit 1
- At least 3 relevant images - these can be hand drawn or for the Internet or magazines
- Colored from corner to corner (this means the entire background is colored)
- Remember NO markers
Put a tab on the page with the unit name, ex. U1: Photosynthesis.
Big Aha!
The Big Aha! pages are a way for you to make connections and summarize your understanding of key concepts and the unit’s big question. Here is a support resource to help you write your Big Ahas! All Big Aha! Pages include:
- A central drawing (ex. light bulb or image relevant to the unit topic)
- Big Aha! Question
- Arrows of connection key:
- 3 Big Aha! entries; one Big Aha! must address a cross-cutting concept and be outlined in green.
- Title of page where found in your ISN
- Page number
- Answer how does this page answer the Big Aha! or provide important science background knowledge to answer the Big Aha!
- Each Big Aha! will be explained in 4+ sentences.
End of Unit CER Reflection
At the end of the unit, you will type a CER Reflection for your notebook. Create this on Google doc, make sure it is color coded. Print it out and glue on the assigned page...
Claim: State the grade you believe you earned based on the rubric on page 1. Use this visual rubric to help you determine the grade you earned. Evidence: Cite examples from your notebook that support your claim, include page titles and page numbers (ex. Washers & Paper, p. 40). - For C to B range: Pick 3 pages that you will use to explain why you deserve this grade. Select a few categories from the visual rubric. Ex. Don't say, "I used color" as your only argument for all pages. - For B to A+ range: Pick 4 pages that you will use. For A's, also include mention how you addressed Cross Cutting Concepts on various pages. Ex. Evidence #1: On page 42, Concentric Circles, my diagram was neat and I explained that a fox is an example of an organism, and a few foxes is a population, and that the different living populations in the same area are a community. Reason: State why you met the criteria for the grade you believe you earned according to the rubric on page 1 or the visual rubric. |
Left Side Choice Ideas
Here are some choices about things you can do on the LEFT hand side of your interactive science notebook (ISN).
Ideas List #1
Ideas List #2
Ideas List #1
Ideas List #2