Task: Create a PSA (public service announcement) around soil and why it's important. Options:
1. poster (must be spectacular! and done individually)
2. radio - 30s or 60s - individually done
3. video - 30s or 60s - individual or with a partner
1. poster (must be spectacular! and done individually)
2. radio - 30s or 60s - individually done
3. video - 30s or 60s - individual or with a partner
PSAs are for the public benefit. Your PSA should:
Resources for how to create an excellent PSA:
How to Make a PSA video by Girl Scouts Texas Oklahoma Plains -YouTube
Preparing Public Service Announcements - Community Toolbox Kit - very thorough explanation of how to help a nonprofit get their PSA on radio and TV from creation all the way through to contacting stations
Fair Use
Fair Use explained by YouTube
Where you don't need 'fair use'
Rubric for PSA
Examples of professional Soil PSAs
Soils and Food Security
Soils and Clean Water
Soils and Human Health
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: Can I work with someone from a different class?
A: Yes, you can work with someone from a different class, even if they don't have me. You can even work with someone in a different grade.
Q: Can I use music that I purchased on iTunes?
A: No. Although you own it, you do not own the rights to use it. However, you may an existing tune and create your own lyrics. When you take a piece and "transform" it, then it falls under the fair use policy.
Q: If I can't use music from iTunes, then where can I get music to give a sense of emotion to my radio or video PSA?
A: Some video editors come with set music that you can use. These are all acceptable. You can also find open source pieces that are free to use. The other idea is that you can create your own music.
Q: Can I use a slogan from an existing PSA?
A: No, it must be original. From time to time, students come up with the same clever slogan. No worries - sometimes great minds think alike. That's okay. However, it is recommended that you not share your idea with others because you don't someone to snag your idea.
Q: Should we put our names or credits (bibliography) in the PSA video?
A: No. The format needs to be as similar to a professional PSA. They do not have "Thanks for watching" or the names of the authors or a bibliography in the piece. However, you do need to include your name(s) and period code (alpha, beta, gamma or omega) and the project name in the file name. Ex. Gamma Soil PSA Maggie S.
Q: Can I take pictures off the Internet for my PSA video or poster?
A: It depends on the source. You may use images from a government site (.gov), but you typically cannot take images from other sites since you do not have permission. There are some sites that are open source and those sites you can use images typically with credit given. However, in a PSA that will be difficult since you are not having a bibliography at the end and pasting a URL on a photo detracts from the quality of the product.
Q: Do we have to use pictures in our video or can we just film ourselves?
A: Either is acceptable. If you are filming yourself, then you cannot be on the "no photo" list. This is a list where parents have denied access for your photo to be taken or posted on any school websites. If you think you may be on the list but do not know, please email me.
Q: What happens if my video or radio clip is not exactly 30 or 60s?
A: You may only be off 1 sec (ex. 29s or 31s). For every 2 seconds you are off the time limit, you lose 1 point. For example, a 32 s video will lose 1 point and a 34 second video will lose 2 points off the total.
Q: The PSA has to have emotional appeal. How can I create that in my video?
A: There are several ways to create emotional appeal. Audio, words and images can add to creating emotional appeal. Music can be used to add emotional depth yo your piece. Using music effectively not only requires a good selection or creation of music but having it appropriately placed to build momentum or add emphasis. If you are speaking, tone of voice will contribute greatly. The words you use, whether spoken or printed can be impactful. Sometimes short and simple is more effective than a lengthy piece, ex. Only you can prevent forest fires! You've probably heard the expression an image is worth a thousand words. Use impactful images to elicit a response to care about this important topic. Creating an amazing PSA will use right timing, tone, images and music - and possibly include the creation of a story or character - to rally people to make a difference. Remember: We Can Do It!
Q: Do I need to speak in my video PSA?
A: No. You can write information to convey ideas and emotion. See the sample Soil PSAs above. If you do not speak, the music will be very important to create a sense of emotion.
Q: You mentioned that we can create a character to help with emotional appeal. How can I do that?
A: Some effective PSAs such as Smokey the Bear or Rosie the Riveter have become iconic in American culture to rally folks around a common cause. If you choose to develop a character, it may be helpful to have that character be the speaker throughout your PSA to tell his/her story. The character could be drawn, animated (your own creation), or a handmade puppet. If you use a stuffed animal that was store bought it would have to be transformed in order to fall under fair use practices.
- work to change behavior (ex. get people to wear seat belts)
- appeal to the emotions (ex. Native American sheds a tear at the site of all the trash)
- have a catchy slogan (ex. Peace Corps: The Toughest Job You'll Ever Love)
- have an action - in our case refer people to a site for additional info. Use (I'm changing the site because this one is more user friendly - if you used the .gov site, no worries.)
Resources for how to create an excellent PSA:
How to Make a PSA video by Girl Scouts Texas Oklahoma Plains -YouTube
Preparing Public Service Announcements - Community Toolbox Kit - very thorough explanation of how to help a nonprofit get their PSA on radio and TV from creation all the way through to contacting stations
Fair Use
Fair Use explained by YouTube
Where you don't need 'fair use'
Rubric for PSA
Examples of professional Soil PSAs
Soils and Food Security
Soils and Clean Water
Soils and Human Health
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: Can I work with someone from a different class?
A: Yes, you can work with someone from a different class, even if they don't have me. You can even work with someone in a different grade.
Q: Can I use music that I purchased on iTunes?
A: No. Although you own it, you do not own the rights to use it. However, you may an existing tune and create your own lyrics. When you take a piece and "transform" it, then it falls under the fair use policy.
Q: If I can't use music from iTunes, then where can I get music to give a sense of emotion to my radio or video PSA?
A: Some video editors come with set music that you can use. These are all acceptable. You can also find open source pieces that are free to use. The other idea is that you can create your own music.
Q: Can I use a slogan from an existing PSA?
A: No, it must be original. From time to time, students come up with the same clever slogan. No worries - sometimes great minds think alike. That's okay. However, it is recommended that you not share your idea with others because you don't someone to snag your idea.
Q: Should we put our names or credits (bibliography) in the PSA video?
A: No. The format needs to be as similar to a professional PSA. They do not have "Thanks for watching" or the names of the authors or a bibliography in the piece. However, you do need to include your name(s) and period code (alpha, beta, gamma or omega) and the project name in the file name. Ex. Gamma Soil PSA Maggie S.
Q: Can I take pictures off the Internet for my PSA video or poster?
A: It depends on the source. You may use images from a government site (.gov), but you typically cannot take images from other sites since you do not have permission. There are some sites that are open source and those sites you can use images typically with credit given. However, in a PSA that will be difficult since you are not having a bibliography at the end and pasting a URL on a photo detracts from the quality of the product.
Q: Do we have to use pictures in our video or can we just film ourselves?
A: Either is acceptable. If you are filming yourself, then you cannot be on the "no photo" list. This is a list where parents have denied access for your photo to be taken or posted on any school websites. If you think you may be on the list but do not know, please email me.
Q: What happens if my video or radio clip is not exactly 30 or 60s?
A: You may only be off 1 sec (ex. 29s or 31s). For every 2 seconds you are off the time limit, you lose 1 point. For example, a 32 s video will lose 1 point and a 34 second video will lose 2 points off the total.
Q: The PSA has to have emotional appeal. How can I create that in my video?
A: There are several ways to create emotional appeal. Audio, words and images can add to creating emotional appeal. Music can be used to add emotional depth yo your piece. Using music effectively not only requires a good selection or creation of music but having it appropriately placed to build momentum or add emphasis. If you are speaking, tone of voice will contribute greatly. The words you use, whether spoken or printed can be impactful. Sometimes short and simple is more effective than a lengthy piece, ex. Only you can prevent forest fires! You've probably heard the expression an image is worth a thousand words. Use impactful images to elicit a response to care about this important topic. Creating an amazing PSA will use right timing, tone, images and music - and possibly include the creation of a story or character - to rally people to make a difference. Remember: We Can Do It!
Q: Do I need to speak in my video PSA?
A: No. You can write information to convey ideas and emotion. See the sample Soil PSAs above. If you do not speak, the music will be very important to create a sense of emotion.
Q: You mentioned that we can create a character to help with emotional appeal. How can I do that?
A: Some effective PSAs such as Smokey the Bear or Rosie the Riveter have become iconic in American culture to rally folks around a common cause. If you choose to develop a character, it may be helpful to have that character be the speaker throughout your PSA to tell his/her story. The character could be drawn, animated (your own creation), or a handmade puppet. If you use a stuffed animal that was store bought it would have to be transformed in order to fall under fair use practices.
Q: How do I share the video or radio PSA?
A: Videos need to be saved as a Quicktime video or MP4. They can be brought in on a disk, flashdrive or shared electronically. Some videos can be shared on Google drive. Radio pieces can be done live though you risk not getting the 30s or 60s exactly or can be recorded (preferably with music) and brought in as an MP3 file. If you email or share it electronically, you do need to include your name(s) and period code (alpha, beta, gamma or omega) and the project name in the file name. Ex. Beta Soil PSA Maggie S. If your partner is from a different class then you will need to include both names and both codes. Ex. Alpha Beta Soil PSA Jose P. Maggie S.
A: Videos need to be saved as a Quicktime video or MP4. They can be brought in on a disk, flashdrive or shared electronically. Some videos can be shared on Google drive. Radio pieces can be done live though you risk not getting the 30s or 60s exactly or can be recorded (preferably with music) and brought in as an MP3 file. If you email or share it electronically, you do need to include your name(s) and period code (alpha, beta, gamma or omega) and the project name in the file name. Ex. Beta Soil PSA Maggie S. If your partner is from a different class then you will need to include both names and both codes. Ex. Alpha Beta Soil PSA Jose P. Maggie S.