Table of Contents
If you are ABSENT, look at the ToC to see if pages have been added. Also, look at the daily PowerPoint lesson below to help you. You are responsible for keeping your notebook up to date. Left-hand pages are ones that are student-thinking and this must be your own work. Right-hand pages are group or teacher-directed and can be photocopied using the class photocopier.
You are a team of architects and need to design a home to maximize thermal efficiency.
Big Aha!
How can your home minimize energy loss?
Focus Questions
- How can what I CANNOT see help me explain what I CAN see?
- What is temperature?
- How do heat and energy relate?
- How does mass relate to temperature?
- How can we control heat transfer to match our needs?
- How do scientists and engineers use their knowledge of energy transfer to address real world problems?
Enduring Understandings
- Heat is felt from the transfer of energy and cold is felt as an object loses thermal energy.
- Coldness is simply the lack or absence of heat. (Cold is not a thing and cannot move.)
- Heat is a transfer of energy from a hotter object/region to a colder object/region.
- Larger objects have more thermal energy because they are made of more matter.
- Temperature is an approximate measurement of the kinetic energy of the average sample of particles that make up a substance.
- The amount of energy needed to change the temperature of a sample depends on the nature of the matter, the size of the sample, and the environment.
- Energy is transformed (changed) from one type to another type of energy, but energy is neither gained nor lost (Law of Conservation of Energy).
Here is a link to Quizlet vocabulary cards for this unit. It doesn't have all the vocabulary, but it does have most of the key new vocabulary.
If you are an English Language Learner, then you are responsible for the words with an asterisk (*).
If you are an English Language Learner, then you are responsible for the words with an asterisk (*).
Engineering Vocabulary
Lessons - 21/22
Dear Teachers, sorry most resources are now only visible on our Google Classroom, which is private. Below are the weekly slideshows. I hope they are of value to you. i will be deleting old slideshows as I create new content this year (21/22).
Week 1 - August 18-20 - designing Interactive Science Notebook (ISN) cover
Week 2 - August 23-27 - building ISN resource pages
Week 1 - August 18-20 - designing Interactive Science Notebook (ISN) cover
Week 2 - August 23-27 - building ISN resource pages
Old Lessons - NOT Teaching 20/21
Lesson 0 - Setup notebook & Phenomenon
REMOVING old lessons as updating for 2021/22.
Day 3 (Aug. 26)- 6.1.0 - 3 Introduce Interactive Science Notebook - ISN Rubric, Number first 10 pages, provide table of contents (TOC), glue in pages 1-9
Day 4 (Aug. 27) - 6.1.0 - 4 Introduce Interactive Science Notebook - glue in pages 10; seed saving in garden (lettuce & tomatoes)
Day 5 (Aug. 28/29) - 6.1.0 - 5 Unit ToC, Unit Cover Page & Big Aha! & Back Folder
Day 6 (Aug. 30 - Short periods) 6.1.0 - 6 Appendix & Tomato Seed Saving
Day 7 (Sept. 3) - Take this Pre-Unit Survey: Plastic Solutions in class. 6.2.0 - 2 Phenomenon & Warm-up
Lesson 1 - Investigating Hot & Cold
Day 8 (Sept. 4/5) - 6.1.1 -1 Key Concepts & Vocabulary & Mixing Water Claim & Data
Day 9 (Sept. 6) - 6.1.1 - 2 Mixing Water Reason & Front of Notebook Resources
Day 10 (Sept. 9) - 6.1.1- 3 Reading on Thermal Energy: Energy & Particles in Motion
Day 11 (Sept. 10) 6.1.1-4 Energy & Particles in Motion Graphic Notes & seed library visit
Day 12 (Sept. 11/12) 6. 1. 1 - 5 revise balloon models
Lesson 2 - Relationship between Thermal Energy, Mass & Temperature
Day 13 (Sept. 13) - & 6.1.2 - 1 - Germ Smart Kids & Temperature Sale
Day 14 (Sept. 16) 6.1.2 - 2 - Washers and Paper - - Check you email for the Link to sign up for Canvas
Day 15 (Sept. 17) - Variables, Designing an Experiment & Creating Canvas Accounts - If you haven't signed up for Canvas yet, check you email for the Link to sign up for Canvas
Day 16 (Sept. 18/19) - Finish Designing Experiments Stronger & Clearer Protocol; Review Graphic Notes & CER Washers & Paper
Day 17 (Sept. 23) - Time to work out log in issues with Canvas; finish Designing Experiment & submit
Day 18 (Sept. 24) 6.1.2 - 3 - Different Masses CER & Academic Conversations - Email families about Zero Waste Challenge.
Day 19 (Sept. 25/26) 6.1.2 - 4 Revise Different Masses CER & Making Connections CER - Assign Key Concepts Mini-quiz: Heat & Temperature on Canvas. One week to complete assignment.
Day 20 (Sept. 27) - 6.1 Zero Waste Challenge - Zero Waste website, & Law of Conservation of Energy
Lesson 3 - Types of Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection, Radiation
Day 21 (Sept. 30) - 6.1.3 - 1 Reading: Convection, Conduction, Radiation
Day 22 (Oct. 1) - 6.1.3 - 2 First Big Aha! & Popcorn CER: Background
Day 23 (Oct. 2/3) - 6.1.3 - 3 Convection, Conduction, Radiation. Oh My! Popcorn Lab
Day 24 (Oct. 4) - 6.1.3 - 4 Convection, Conduction, Radiation. Graphing & CER
Day 26 (Oct. 7) - 6.2.3 -6 Insulators CER - Collect Data; Next year finish Popcorn CER and do insulation reading before collecting data
NEXT YEAR - Revisit the order from here and below. Extended
Day 27 (Oct. 8 & 10 - walk-a-thon, plus PD day on 9th- SUB) - Reading Insulators & Calculating Insulation Averages
Day 28 (Oct. 10/11 - SUB) - Work on CERs for Insulators and Popcorn - submit on Canvas, if done.
Day 29 (Oct. 8 - Ms. Newburn, Oct. 10 - SUB) - Reading Insulators & Calculating Insulation Averages
Day 30 (Oct. 11 - SUB) - Work on CERs for Insulators and Popcorn - submit on Canvas, if done.
Day 31(Oct. 14 - SUB - short periods) - Writing Big Ahas! & Work Time
Day 32 (Oct. 15 & 16 - SUB - short periods) - Thermal Energy Reading -
Day 33 (Oct. 16 & 17 - SUB -short periods) Writing an End of Unit CER -
Day 34 (Oct. 18 - SUB - short periods) - Work on End of Unit CER & get peer feedback
Day 7-6 (Oct. 21 - SUB) - Create Unit 2 Title Page, get new ToC, Big Aha! page & Bill Nye Heat Video NEXT UNIT
REMOVING old lessons as updating for 2021/22.
Day 3 (Aug. 26)- 6.1.0 - 3 Introduce Interactive Science Notebook - ISN Rubric, Number first 10 pages, provide table of contents (TOC), glue in pages 1-9
Day 4 (Aug. 27) - 6.1.0 - 4 Introduce Interactive Science Notebook - glue in pages 10; seed saving in garden (lettuce & tomatoes)
Day 5 (Aug. 28/29) - 6.1.0 - 5 Unit ToC, Unit Cover Page & Big Aha! & Back Folder
Day 6 (Aug. 30 - Short periods) 6.1.0 - 6 Appendix & Tomato Seed Saving
Day 7 (Sept. 3) - Take this Pre-Unit Survey: Plastic Solutions in class. 6.2.0 - 2 Phenomenon & Warm-up
Lesson 1 - Investigating Hot & Cold
Day 8 (Sept. 4/5) - 6.1.1 -1 Key Concepts & Vocabulary & Mixing Water Claim & Data
Day 9 (Sept. 6) - 6.1.1 - 2 Mixing Water Reason & Front of Notebook Resources
Day 10 (Sept. 9) - 6.1.1- 3 Reading on Thermal Energy: Energy & Particles in Motion
Day 11 (Sept. 10) 6.1.1-4 Energy & Particles in Motion Graphic Notes & seed library visit
Day 12 (Sept. 11/12) 6. 1. 1 - 5 revise balloon models
Lesson 2 - Relationship between Thermal Energy, Mass & Temperature
Day 13 (Sept. 13) - & 6.1.2 - 1 - Germ Smart Kids & Temperature Sale
Day 14 (Sept. 16) 6.1.2 - 2 - Washers and Paper - - Check you email for the Link to sign up for Canvas
Day 15 (Sept. 17) - Variables, Designing an Experiment & Creating Canvas Accounts - If you haven't signed up for Canvas yet, check you email for the Link to sign up for Canvas
Day 16 (Sept. 18/19) - Finish Designing Experiments Stronger & Clearer Protocol; Review Graphic Notes & CER Washers & Paper
Day 17 (Sept. 23) - Time to work out log in issues with Canvas; finish Designing Experiment & submit
Day 18 (Sept. 24) 6.1.2 - 3 - Different Masses CER & Academic Conversations - Email families about Zero Waste Challenge.
Day 19 (Sept. 25/26) 6.1.2 - 4 Revise Different Masses CER & Making Connections CER - Assign Key Concepts Mini-quiz: Heat & Temperature on Canvas. One week to complete assignment.
Day 20 (Sept. 27) - 6.1 Zero Waste Challenge - Zero Waste website, & Law of Conservation of Energy
Lesson 3 - Types of Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection, Radiation
Day 21 (Sept. 30) - 6.1.3 - 1 Reading: Convection, Conduction, Radiation
Day 22 (Oct. 1) - 6.1.3 - 2 First Big Aha! & Popcorn CER: Background
Day 23 (Oct. 2/3) - 6.1.3 - 3 Convection, Conduction, Radiation. Oh My! Popcorn Lab
Day 24 (Oct. 4) - 6.1.3 - 4 Convection, Conduction, Radiation. Graphing & CER
Day 26 (Oct. 7) - 6.2.3 -6 Insulators CER - Collect Data; Next year finish Popcorn CER and do insulation reading before collecting data
NEXT YEAR - Revisit the order from here and below. Extended
Day 27 (Oct. 8 & 10 - walk-a-thon, plus PD day on 9th- SUB) - Reading Insulators & Calculating Insulation Averages
Day 28 (Oct. 10/11 - SUB) - Work on CERs for Insulators and Popcorn - submit on Canvas, if done.
Day 29 (Oct. 8 - Ms. Newburn, Oct. 10 - SUB) - Reading Insulators & Calculating Insulation Averages
Day 30 (Oct. 11 - SUB) - Work on CERs for Insulators and Popcorn - submit on Canvas, if done.
Day 31(Oct. 14 - SUB - short periods) - Writing Big Ahas! & Work Time
Day 32 (Oct. 15 & 16 - SUB - short periods) - Thermal Energy Reading -
Day 33 (Oct. 16 & 17 - SUB -short periods) Writing an End of Unit CER -
Day 34 (Oct. 18 - SUB - short periods) - Work on End of Unit CER & get peer feedback
Day 7-6 (Oct. 21 - SUB) - Create Unit 2 Title Page, get new ToC, Big Aha! page & Bill Nye Heat Video NEXT UNIT
Lesson S - Summative Engineering Task: Thermal Efficient Houses
Day 35 (Oct. 22) - video on Tiny Homes 6.2.S - 5 Planning your Tiny Model Home - Students read over the resources as a group. Write any questions down that you have. Earthship houses (16 min. - How are materials used to minimize the impact on the environment? How is the temperature of the house regulated?) - NOTE: Email parents for help on overseeing building and supply store.
Day 36 (Oct. 23/24) - 6.2.S - 2 Blueprints for your Tiny Home
Day 37 (Oct. 25) - 6.2.S Building Permits issued and Day 1 building
No School - Oct. 28
Day 38 (Oct. 29) - 6.2.S - Build Model Homes - Day 2: Make Wooden Frame
Day 39 (Oct. 30/31) - 6.2.S Build Model Homes - Day 3: Test and Install Insulation
Nov. 1 - Work Day - CERs, getting ISN organized
Day 40 (Nov, 4) - 6.2.S Building Model Homes - Day 4 - Finish building & test
Day 41 (Nov. 8) - 6.2.S Build Model Homes - Day 5 Testing
Day 42 (Nov. 12/13) - 6.2.S Last Day Thermal Energy - Day 6 Build, Test & Unit Feedback
Day 43(Nov. 13/14) - 6.2.S Write reports for Tiny Homes & Unit Feedback
Day 44 (Nov. 15) - 6.2.S Dismantle houses & Reports & Big Aha! Check-in
Day 35 (Oct. 22) - video on Tiny Homes 6.2.S - 5 Planning your Tiny Model Home - Students read over the resources as a group. Write any questions down that you have. Earthship houses (16 min. - How are materials used to minimize the impact on the environment? How is the temperature of the house regulated?) - NOTE: Email parents for help on overseeing building and supply store.
Day 36 (Oct. 23/24) - 6.2.S - 2 Blueprints for your Tiny Home
Day 37 (Oct. 25) - 6.2.S Building Permits issued and Day 1 building
No School - Oct. 28
Day 38 (Oct. 29) - 6.2.S - Build Model Homes - Day 2: Make Wooden Frame
Day 39 (Oct. 30/31) - 6.2.S Build Model Homes - Day 3: Test and Install Insulation
Nov. 1 - Work Day - CERs, getting ISN organized
Day 40 (Nov, 4) - 6.2.S Building Model Homes - Day 4 - Finish building & test
Day 41 (Nov. 8) - 6.2.S Build Model Homes - Day 5 Testing
Day 42 (Nov. 12/13) - 6.2.S Last Day Thermal Energy - Day 6 Build, Test & Unit Feedback
Day 43(Nov. 13/14) - 6.2.S Write reports for Tiny Homes & Unit Feedback
Day 44 (Nov. 15) - 6.2.S Dismantle houses & Reports & Big Aha! Check-in