7.3.S: Catastrophe! (Summative Task)*
In the year 2030, a major plague kills most of society. As one of the survivors, you are asked to help decide on the location for a new settlement in Marin County for 1000 survivors to ensure your continued survival.
Recorders & Reporters:
In the year 2030, a major plague kills most of society. As one of the survivors, you are asked to help decide on the location for a new settlement in Marin County for 1000 survivors to ensure your continued survival.
Recorders & Reporters:
- Team Contract (MAKE A COPY & SHARE)
- Biological Disaster CER Proposal (MAKE A COPY & SHARE)
Proposed Area Maps
Remember you are going to need to draw on your map your 200 m by 400 m building and also highlight how you are going to meet the needs of your community of 1000 people.
Remember you are going to need to draw on your map your 200 m by 400 m building and also highlight how you are going to meet the needs of your community of 1000 people.
- Tomales Bay; Here is a colored version of the map
- San Geronimo; Here is a colored version of the map
- San Rafael; Here is a colored version of the map