Bumper Sticker Contest
You are going to create a bumper sticker to get the word out about the sixth mass extinction.
Your bumper sticker can be about your threatened habitat, an endangered species, threats to your habitat, actions people can take or about the sixth mass extinction.
Here is a slideshow to help you think about making impactful bumper stickers. Think about how you can use color, font and images to make an impactful statement.
Competition Rules DEADLINE: TBA
1. Each person in your group will make a bumper sticker.
2. As a group, you will select your best bumper sticker. You may combine two or more ideas together to improve your submission.
3. All writing on bumper stickers must be clearly visible from 20 ft away.
4. You must use the template provided to create your bumper sticker. Use the TEMPLATE in GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
5. To enter the contest, your group's submission must be entered by the deadline.
6. Each student has TWO votes to cast.
a. You may NOT for your own bumper sticker.
b. You may vote for two different bumper stickers OR cast both votes for the same bumper sticker, if you think it is exceptional.
The winning group will receive professionally printed bumper stickers for each group member.
You are going to create a bumper sticker to get the word out about the sixth mass extinction.
Your bumper sticker can be about your threatened habitat, an endangered species, threats to your habitat, actions people can take or about the sixth mass extinction.
Here is a slideshow to help you think about making impactful bumper stickers. Think about how you can use color, font and images to make an impactful statement.
Competition Rules DEADLINE: TBA
1. Each person in your group will make a bumper sticker.
2. As a group, you will select your best bumper sticker. You may combine two or more ideas together to improve your submission.
3. All writing on bumper stickers must be clearly visible from 20 ft away.
4. You must use the template provided to create your bumper sticker. Use the TEMPLATE in GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
5. To enter the contest, your group's submission must be entered by the deadline.
6. Each student has TWO votes to cast.
a. You may NOT for your own bumper sticker.
b. You may vote for two different bumper stickers OR cast both votes for the same bumper sticker, if you think it is exceptional.
The winning group will receive professionally printed bumper stickers for each group member.