One-Minute Science Detective
List of topics and assignments with some guiding questions
Getting started - how to share documents and create your notetaking page
Note taking tool for One-Minute Science Detective - copy as a Google document
One-Minute Science Detective Project - script outline
One-Minute Intro Format - your intro needs to follow these guidelines, make the font size "8"; this style sheet also gives guidelines for transitions and your credits
One-Minute Intro Picture - picture of antique clock on black background
One-Minute Music - use for intro and outro
Extra Credit Opportunity - due Wednesday 9pm
Mr. Stoeckley and I are offering extra credit for the following submissions to be used in our One-Minute Science Detective series. You may submit one or both pieces for extra credit.
1. original soundtrack - we need a 15-20 second original music piece. It could be done by you and some friends on instruments or on Garage Band. Send the soundbite to me at [email protected]
2. animated introduction requirements:
a. Introduction should be 8-10 s.
that you may use. If you use other photos they must be original.
b. Include the title "One-Minute Science Detective" and "With your hosts" then space for names.
c. Have some animation. This could involve animation of the image(s) or could be the title.
d. You must use photos are artwork that we have rights to. You can click on this link to a Google Picasa folder with acceptable images. (I'm new to Picasa so if you have trouble, email me.)
Great Resources for One-Minute Science Detective
US Geological Survey (USGS)
NASA for Kids - Earth science explored and explained by NASA
North Caroline State University - earth science sites vetted by the NCSU
Getting started - how to share documents and create your notetaking page
Note taking tool for One-Minute Science Detective - copy as a Google document
One-Minute Science Detective Project - script outline
One-Minute Intro Format - your intro needs to follow these guidelines, make the font size "8"; this style sheet also gives guidelines for transitions and your credits
One-Minute Intro Picture - picture of antique clock on black background
One-Minute Music - use for intro and outro
Extra Credit Opportunity - due Wednesday 9pm
Mr. Stoeckley and I are offering extra credit for the following submissions to be used in our One-Minute Science Detective series. You may submit one or both pieces for extra credit.
1. original soundtrack - we need a 15-20 second original music piece. It could be done by you and some friends on instruments or on Garage Band. Send the soundbite to me at [email protected]
2. animated introduction requirements:
a. Introduction should be 8-10 s.
that you may use. If you use other photos they must be original.
b. Include the title "One-Minute Science Detective" and "With your hosts" then space for names.
c. Have some animation. This could involve animation of the image(s) or could be the title.
d. You must use photos are artwork that we have rights to. You can click on this link to a Google Picasa folder with acceptable images. (I'm new to Picasa so if you have trouble, email me.)
Great Resources for One-Minute Science Detective
US Geological Survey (USGS)
NASA for Kids - Earth science explored and explained by NASA
North Caroline State University - earth science sites vetted by the NCSU