Ch. 3 Arithmetic Properties
Lesson 3.2.2 Connection between Adding & Subtracting Integers
Lesson 3.2.3 Multiplying Integers
Lesson 3.2.4 Multiplying Decimals
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Ch. 3 Extension Assignments
If you did not get a stamp on all sections (3.1, 3.2, 3.3 & Checkpoint),
then it means that you need review on a certain topic area. You will
complete the regularly assigned homework for each section that you did
not earn a stamp on. If you would like an opportunity to prove that you
know the material so that you can complete the alternative assignment,
please send me an email and we can discuss opportunities individually.
Section 3.1
Please click the link for instructions:
Rectangle Problem of the Week
Use this form for your POW
Section 3.2
You will complete the Puzzle Investigations Problem 2 (PIP-2) instead of the assigned daily homework for all 3.2 sections. The PIP-2 is in the on-line textbook under the “Reference” tab. Complete the PIP assigned using this format. The submissions for this PIP can be as a Google doc, poster, or presentation (electronic or poster).
Section 3.3
You will be completing the regularly assigned homework with the class for this section. This is your opportunity to review for the end of the test, the Chapter Closure, and take the Chapter test. There may be times when you are assigned different homework, but in general, expect to do the assigned homework.
Checkpoint section
Please complete only the second half of the Checkpoint problems, as those are more challenging. Turn these in the day they are assigned to the whole class (likely near the end of the chapter).
Section 3.1
Please click the link for instructions:
Rectangle Problem of the Week
Use this form for your POW
Section 3.2
You will complete the Puzzle Investigations Problem 2 (PIP-2) instead of the assigned daily homework for all 3.2 sections. The PIP-2 is in the on-line textbook under the “Reference” tab. Complete the PIP assigned using this format. The submissions for this PIP can be as a Google doc, poster, or presentation (electronic or poster).
Section 3.3
You will be completing the regularly assigned homework with the class for this section. This is your opportunity to review for the end of the test, the Chapter Closure, and take the Chapter test. There may be times when you are assigned different homework, but in general, expect to do the assigned homework.
Checkpoint section
Please complete only the second half of the Checkpoint problems, as those are more challenging. Turn these in the day they are assigned to the whole class (likely near the end of the chapter).