Algebra Assignments
Here is a link to our e-book log in page.
Homework Expectations
1. All homework assignments are done in pencil.
2. Homework assignments are clearly labeled. Ex. HW #3 1-24 to 1-28
3. Problems are clearly numbered. Work is shown where appropriate. If there is a formula, the formula is written and substitutions are included.
4. A straightedge or ruler is used for graphs, tables and shapes that have straight sides.
5. Pages are numbered and assignments are recorded in the table of contents (TOC).
6. Homework assignments are corrected at home using the answer key and are corrected in colored pen (not blue or black). If the problem is incorrect, the correct answer is written down. If you are still unsure of how to do the problem, put a question mark (?) next to the problem so we can address it in class.
Note: Periodically there will be unannounced homework checks, where you are asked to write down several problems from your math journal to demonstrate that you are showing adequate and clear work.
1. All homework assignments are done in pencil.
2. Homework assignments are clearly labeled. Ex. HW #3 1-24 to 1-28
3. Problems are clearly numbered. Work is shown where appropriate. If there is a formula, the formula is written and substitutions are included.
4. A straightedge or ruler is used for graphs, tables and shapes that have straight sides.
5. Pages are numbered and assignments are recorded in the table of contents (TOC).
6. Homework assignments are corrected at home using the answer key and are corrected in colored pen (not blue or black). If the problem is incorrect, the correct answer is written down. If you are still unsure of how to do the problem, put a question mark (?) next to the problem so we can address it in class.
Note: Periodically there will be unannounced homework checks, where you are asked to write down several problems from your math journal to demonstrate that you are showing adequate and clear work.
Homework Answer Keys & TOCs
Answer Keys
Chapter 1 - Functions Chapter 2 - Linear Relationships Chapter 3 - Simplifying & Solving Chapter 4 - Systems of Equations Chapter 5 - Sequences Chapter 6 - Modeling Two-Variable Data Chapter 7 - Exponential Functions Chapter 8 - Quadratic Functions Chapter 9 - Solving Quadratics and Inequalities Chapter 10 - Solving Complex Equations Chapter 11 - Functions and Data Appendix Representing Expressions
Monday, June 2 -
Quiz - Ch. 8 (5 point graph) & Ch. 9 (Solving quadratic equations:
zero product property, completing the square, quadratic formula)
Thursday, June 3 - Last day to retake Ch. 7 test - during advisory
Friday, June 5 - Notebook check #8-11
Monday, June 8 - SMI Benchmark Test
Wednesday, June 10 - Last day late assignments will be accepted - Check PowerSchool now!
Thursday, June 3 - Last day to retake Ch. 7 test - during advisory
Friday, June 5 - Notebook check #8-11
Monday, June 8 - SMI Benchmark Test
Wednesday, June 10 - Last day late assignments will be accepted - Check PowerSchool now!
Do you have a zero for Math Munch?
Basically, do THREE of the 5 below from
1. Watch a video - identify the video, what it was about and your thoughts about it
2. Read about a mathematician on the site - tell me who it was and what they did
3. Play one of the games - what was the game and what was it about and your thoughts on the game
4. Read a blog post - what was it about, your thoughts about the content of the post
5. Create a piece of math art using one of the tools or inspired by something you read and print it out or make it by hand
Do Math Munch on binder paper and turn it in. Turn it in this week for 12/15 points. Turn it in next week get 10/15 points. NOTE: Wednesday, June 10th is the last day I will accept any assignments.
1. Watch a video - identify the video, what it was about and your thoughts about it
2. Read about a mathematician on the site - tell me who it was and what they did
3. Play one of the games - what was the game and what was it about and your thoughts on the game
4. Read a blog post - what was it about, your thoughts about the content of the post
5. Create a piece of math art using one of the tools or inspired by something you read and print it out or make it by hand
Do Math Munch on binder paper and turn it in. Turn it in this week for 12/15 points. Turn it in next week get 10/15 points. NOTE: Wednesday, June 10th is the last day I will accept any assignments.
Week 37 - June 8
Block day is the LAST DAY to turn in LATE WORK.
Day 1 - #11 9.4.3 9-114 to 9-119
Day 2 - Finish classwork - Ch. 9 Closure; reflect on your confidence :) :| :( check answers in the back of the chapter.
Week 36 - June 1
Tuesday Quiz - Ch. 8 (5 point graph) & Ch. 9 (Solving quadratic equations: zero product property, completing the square, quadratic formula)
Friday - Notebook check #4-11
Day 1 - #8 9.3.2 9-83 to 9-88; Read Math Notes “Solving One-Variable Linear Inequalities”; Ch. 8/9 Quiz tomorrow
Day 2 - #9 Corny Joke: Ferd's Family
Day 3 - #10 9.4.1 9-94 to 9-100
Day 4 - Search & Rescue - Due Tuesday
- Search and Rescue requirements
- Search and Rescue comic OR Hidden Treasure comic
- Search and Rescue Comic Scoring Guide
Week 35 - May 26
Day 1 - #5 Read Math Notes "Simplifying Radicals"
Day 2 - #6 9.2.1 9-50 to 9-55
Day 3 - #7 Read Math Notes "Curve Fitting", 9.2.2 9-59, 9-61 to 9-64
Week 34- May 18
Friday Notebook Check Ch. 9 #1-3
Day 1- Create Chapter 9 TOC
#1 9.1.1 9-6 to 9-11 finish math sheet
Day 2- Finish Classwork: Ch 8 multiple representation web graphic organizer (and KEY) and Kuta Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring (and KEY)
Day 3- #3 9.1.2 9-17 to 9-23 - NOTEBOOK CHECK ON FRIDAY Ch. 9 #1-3
Day 4- #4 9.1.3 9-27 to 9-30
Week 33 - May 11There is a weird schedule this week with CAASPP testing. Some students will have a regular class first and other students will do the performance test first while others will be doing the extended adaptive test. There will be a handout for early finishers during the test, which will be an exploration of a cool website called Math Munch.It will be due on May 18th. You are also recommended to bring a book to read.Week 32 - May 4Day 1& 2 - none; though you should be done several Boot Camp week 2 sheets - if you were absent make sure you keep pace with the class - these are NOT in the Ch. 8 TOCDay 3 - 8.2.5 8-106 to 8-110Week 31- April 27Day 1- #12 8.2.5 8-106 to 8-111
Day 2 - #13 - Finish 5-point Graphing handout from class (both sides)
Day 3 - #14 (Block day) - finish Enlargement (handout)
Week 30- April 20Day 1- Finish bootcampDay 2- #9 8.2.1 8-58 to 8-63Week 29 - April 6
Friday notebook check
Day 1 - #8 8.1.5 8-49 to 53
Day 2 - #9 Watch Geometry Song & Properties of Lines, Angles & Triangles
Day 3 - #10 8.2.3 8-83 to 8-88
Day 4 - #11 Geometry Translations sheets (3 of them finished)
Block day is the LAST DAY to turn in LATE WORK.
Day 1 - #11 9.4.3 9-114 to 9-119
Day 2 - Finish classwork - Ch. 9 Closure; reflect on your confidence :) :| :( check answers in the back of the chapter.
Week 36 - June 1
Tuesday Quiz - Ch. 8 (5 point graph) & Ch. 9 (Solving quadratic equations: zero product property, completing the square, quadratic formula)
Friday - Notebook check #4-11
Day 1 - #8 9.3.2 9-83 to 9-88; Read Math Notes “Solving One-Variable Linear Inequalities”; Ch. 8/9 Quiz tomorrow
Day 2 - #9 Corny Joke: Ferd's Family
Day 3 - #10 9.4.1 9-94 to 9-100
Day 4 - Search & Rescue - Due Tuesday
- Search and Rescue requirements
- Search and Rescue comic OR Hidden Treasure comic
- Search and Rescue Comic Scoring Guide
Week 35 - May 26
Day 1 - #5 Read Math Notes "Simplifying Radicals"
Day 2 - #6 9.2.1 9-50 to 9-55
Day 3 - #7 Read Math Notes "Curve Fitting", 9.2.2 9-59, 9-61 to 9-64
Week 34- May 18
Friday Notebook Check Ch. 9 #1-3
Day 1- Create Chapter 9 TOC
#1 9.1.1 9-6 to 9-11 finish math sheet
Day 2- Finish Classwork: Ch 8 multiple representation web graphic organizer (and KEY) and Kuta Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring (and KEY)
Day 3- #3 9.1.2 9-17 to 9-23 - NOTEBOOK CHECK ON FRIDAY Ch. 9 #1-3
Day 4- #4 9.1.3 9-27 to 9-30
Week 33 - May 11There is a weird schedule this week with CAASPP testing. Some students will have a regular class first and other students will do the performance test first while others will be doing the extended adaptive test. There will be a handout for early finishers during the test, which will be an exploration of a cool website called Math Munch.It will be due on May 18th. You are also recommended to bring a book to read.Week 32 - May 4Day 1& 2 - none; though you should be done several Boot Camp week 2 sheets - if you were absent make sure you keep pace with the class - these are NOT in the Ch. 8 TOCDay 3 - 8.2.5 8-106 to 8-110Week 31- April 27Day 1- #12 8.2.5 8-106 to 8-111
Day 2 - #13 - Finish 5-point Graphing handout from class (both sides)
Day 3 - #14 (Block day) - finish Enlargement (handout)
Week 30- April 20Day 1- Finish bootcampDay 2- #9 8.2.1 8-58 to 8-63Week 29 - April 6
Friday notebook check
Day 1 - #8 8.1.5 8-49 to 53
Day 2 - #9 Watch Geometry Song & Properties of Lines, Angles & Triangles
Day 3 - #10 8.2.3 8-83 to 8-88
Day 4 - #11 Geometry Translations sheets (3 of them finished)
Third Trimester Begins!
Week 29- April 6
Day 1- #8 8.1.5 8-49 to 8-5
Week 28- March 28
Ch. 7 Test on Friday,
Ch. 7 Review (handout)
Ch. 7 Review KEY
Day 1- #3 8.1.3 8-29 to 8- 33
Day 2- #4 Choice: 10 problems from "Parent Guide" Ch.7
Day 3 - #5 8.1.4 8-35 to 8-38ab (class work)
- #6 Factoring Trimonials #8 (handout)
- #7 Ch. 7 Review Sheet
Week 27- March 23
Day 1- #12 7.2.3 7-106 to 7-111, skip 7-110
Day 2- Checkpoint 7BWeek 26- March 17
Day 3- #1 8.1.1 8-6 to 8-12
Day 4- #2 8.1.2 8-17 to 8-23; Watch Video: Dilations:
Day 1- 7.1.6 7-73 to 7-78
Week 26 - March 18
Day 1 - #9 7.1.6 7-73 to 7-78
Day 2 - 7.2.2 7-96 to 7-101; Fractional Exponents handout (every 3rd problem through #54, ex. 3, 6, 9, .., 54) first page only! Key attached.
Day 3- #11 Finish Fractional Exponents (handout)
Week 25- March 9
Day 1- #5 7.1.2 7-35 to 7-41 skip 7-39
Day 2 - #6 Checkpoint 6A
Day 3 - #7 7.1.4 7-47 to 7-58, skip 7-57
Day 4 - #8 7.1.5 7-61 to 7-66 (You've probably already done this because I assigned in on block. If you did = no weekend homework!)
Week 24- March 2
Individual Quiz on Sequences - Block day
Day 1- #1 7.1.1 7-7 to 7-10,7-12
Day 2 - #2 7.1.1 7-13 to 7-19, skip 7-17; Individual Quiz on Sequences on block day
Day 3 - #3 7.1.2 7-24 to 7-28
Day 4- #4 Checkpoint 4
Week 23 - Feb. 23
Day 1 - #9 5.3.2 5-101 to 5-105; Read Math Notes "Types of Sequences"
Day 2-#10 5.3.3 5-106 to 5-110
Day 3 - #11 5.3.3 5-117 to 5-123
Day 4 - Ch. 5 Closure of Lesson CL 5-123 to 1-33; when done put :), :|, :(
Week 22 - Feb. 18
Day 1 - #7 5.2.3 5-76 to 5-80 and 5.3.1 5-85 to 5-89
Day 2 - #8 Checkpoint 5B (odds only); Finish Kuta Arithmetic Sequences (Handout and answer key)
Week 21 - Feb. 9
Test corrections due next week on block day; here is an exemplary test; test correction policy and procedure is here
Day 1 - #4 5.2.1 5-44 to 5-49
Day 2 - #5 5.2.1 5-50 to 5-55
Day 3 - #6 5.2.2 5-65 to 5-70
Week 20 - Feb. 2
Day 1 - #12 Ch. 4 Closure
Day 2- Make a Ch. 5 Table of Contents; #1 5.1.1 5-6 to 5-11
Day 3 - #2 5.1.1 5-12 to 5-17
Day 4 - #3 Sequence handouts
Week 19- Jan 26
Day 1- #8 4.2.4 4-71 to 4-76 Read Math Notes
Day 2- #9 4.2.5 4-81 to 4-86 Read math notes
Day 3- #10 4-98 to 4-105
Day 4- #11 4.3.1 4-106 to 4-115; finish "Solving Systems" classwork handout on how to write and solve systems
Week 18- Jan 20
Day 2- 4.2.2 4-49 to 4-54
Week 17- Jan. 12
Day 1 - New TOC for Ch. 4; #1 4.4.1 4-8 to 4-13
Ch. 3 Team Test Answer KeyCh. 3 Team Test Answer Key
Day 2- #2 Finish CW Worksheet (due block)
#3 4.1.1 4-14 to 19 (due friday) Sign up for tutoring
Day 3 - #4 4.1.2 4-25 to 4-30
Week 16- Jan. 5
Test corrections due Jan. 122 - Answers for the Ch. 2 Test HERE
Ch. 2 Test p. 1
Ch. 2 Test p. 2
Ch. 2 Test p. 3
Ch. 2 Test p. 4
Day 1- #10 Read math notes; 3.3.2 3-96, 3-98, 3-99, 3-103ab, 3-104; Don't forget to check answers with the HW Key above
Day 2- #11 3.3.3 3-107 to 3-112; answers for ch. 2 test above if you need help with corrections
Day 3 - #12 Ch. 3 Closure - class work (finish at home); write a :) if you get it, :| kind of get it, or :( need help next to each problem
#13 3.3.2 3-93 to 3-95, 3-97, 3-100 to 102
Day 4- #14 checkpoint3- look under "references" tab or 5 Menu of Problems (handout p. 1 and handout p. 2); Test Corrections due on Monday
Week 15- Dec. 15
Notebook Check: First week in January. Make sure you have corrected problems.
Day 1- #8 3.2.4 3-70 to 3-75; Read Math Notes: Properties of Real Numbers, p. 117
Day 2- None; bring gluesticks
Week 14- Dec. 8
Day 1- #5 3.2.1 3-33 to 3-39 42, 44
Day 2- #6 3.2.2 3-48 to 3-53
Day 3- #7 3.2.3 3-58 to 3-63
Week 13- Dec. 1
Chapter 2 Individual Test on Friday
Day 1- #2 3.1.1 3-6 to 3-11; Extra credit due Tuesday; Chapter 2 Test Friday
Day 2- #3 3.1.2 3-19 to 3-24; watch videos (optional) Zero as an exponent & Simplifying Exponents
Day 3- #4 Graphic organizer/ jeopardy - do any TWO sides (minimum); Slopes Graphic Organizer (blank); Slope Graphic Organizer (filled in); Y-Intercept Graphic Organizer (blank); Y-Intercept video
Week 12- Nov. 24
Day 1- #1 Power to Pattern (both sides)
Day 2- None- Optional EXTRA CREDIT Puzzle investigation 1 - See Problem of the Month Page for PIP-1 Which is Fake? and instructions - DUE Tuesday, Dec. 5th; REQUIRED: if you missed class - go onto and login and add me as a coach (DD2GU5 is my coach number), go to the "Subject" tab on the top and click on "Math" --> "Algebra 1" then do the Mission warm-up.
Day 3- #12 Ch. 3 closure #13 3.3.2 3-93 to 3-95, 3-97, 3-100 to 3-121
Week 11 - Nov. 17
Notebook Check Day 3 - Ch. 2 assignments due #1-12
Day 1 - #10 2-90 to 2-94, skip 2-92; 2-88 (from classwork); look through your homework assignments and notes and come in with one problem that you still need help on or a question you have about the topic - we will address these when we do the chapter closure in class on Day 3
Day 2 - Finish the back of the Big Brass Corny Joke
Day 3- #12 finish CL Ch. 2
Day 4- #1 Writing Linear Equations Handout
Week 10- Nov 11
Day 1- #7 2-96 to 2-100
Day 2 - #8 2-82 to 2-86
Day 3- Corny Joke- Brass. (only)
Week 9- Nov. 3
Day 1- Corny Joke: Silver Dollar Side (Only); Finish Functions Task; Test Corrections due
Day 2- 1st period- 2.2.2 2-59 to 2-67
6th period- 2.2.2 2-59 TO 2-62
Week 8- Oct. 27
Notebook Check: Ch.1 E-book - on Block Day
Day 1- #1 2-19 to 2-24
Day 2- #2 2-31 to 2-35
Day 3 - #3 Yo-Yo and Corny Joke (handout)
Week 7- Oct. 20
Day 1- HW #25 1.2.4 1-66 to 1-70
Week 6 - Oct. 13
Day 1 - HW #3 1-25 to 1-29
Day 2
- Per. 1 HW #4 1-33 to 1-38
- Per. 6 HW #4 1-33 to 1-42
Day 3 - Check answers BEFORE coming to class. Link above.
- Per. 1 HW #5 1-47 to 1-51
- Per. 6 HW #5 1-39 to 1-42, 1-47 to 1-51
Day 4- HW #6 1.2.3
Week 5 - Oct. 6
Ch. 1 & 2 Test on Friday
Day 1 - HW #12 CL 2-118, 120 to 127
Day 2 - New TOC: in e-book; HW #1 Ch. 1-4 to 1-8; check answers
Day 3 - HW #3 1-25 to 1-29
Day 1 - #9 5.3.2 5-101 to 5-105; Read Math Notes "Types of Sequences"
Day 2-#10 5.3.3 5-106 to 5-110
Day 3 - #11 5.3.3 5-117 to 5-123
Day 4 - Ch. 5 Closure of Lesson CL 5-123 to 1-33; when done put :), :|, :(
Week 22 - Feb. 18
Day 1 - #7 5.2.3 5-76 to 5-80 and 5.3.1 5-85 to 5-89
Day 2 - #8 Checkpoint 5B (odds only); Finish Kuta Arithmetic Sequences (Handout and answer key)
Week 21 - Feb. 9
Test corrections due next week on block day; here is an exemplary test; test correction policy and procedure is here
Day 1 - #4 5.2.1 5-44 to 5-49
Day 2 - #5 5.2.1 5-50 to 5-55
Day 3 - #6 5.2.2 5-65 to 5-70
Week 20 - Feb. 2
Day 1 - #12 Ch. 4 Closure
Day 2- Make a Ch. 5 Table of Contents; #1 5.1.1 5-6 to 5-11
Day 3 - #2 5.1.1 5-12 to 5-17
Day 4 - #3 Sequence handouts
Week 19- Jan 26
Day 1- #8 4.2.4 4-71 to 4-76 Read Math Notes
Day 2- #9 4.2.5 4-81 to 4-86 Read math notes
Day 3- #10 4-98 to 4-105
Day 4- #11 4.3.1 4-106 to 4-115; finish "Solving Systems" classwork handout on how to write and solve systems
Week 18- Jan 20
Day 2- 4.2.2 4-49 to 4-54
Week 17- Jan. 12
Day 1 - New TOC for Ch. 4; #1 4.4.1 4-8 to 4-13
Ch. 3 Team Test Answer KeyCh. 3 Team Test Answer Key
Day 2- #2 Finish CW Worksheet (due block)
#3 4.1.1 4-14 to 19 (due friday) Sign up for tutoring
Day 3 - #4 4.1.2 4-25 to 4-30
Week 16- Jan. 5
Test corrections due Jan. 122 - Answers for the Ch. 2 Test HERE
Ch. 2 Test p. 1
Ch. 2 Test p. 2
Ch. 2 Test p. 3
Ch. 2 Test p. 4
Day 1- #10 Read math notes; 3.3.2 3-96, 3-98, 3-99, 3-103ab, 3-104; Don't forget to check answers with the HW Key above
Day 2- #11 3.3.3 3-107 to 3-112; answers for ch. 2 test above if you need help with corrections
Day 3 - #12 Ch. 3 Closure - class work (finish at home); write a :) if you get it, :| kind of get it, or :( need help next to each problem
#13 3.3.2 3-93 to 3-95, 3-97, 3-100 to 102
Day 4- #14 checkpoint3- look under "references" tab or 5 Menu of Problems (handout p. 1 and handout p. 2); Test Corrections due on Monday
Week 15- Dec. 15
Notebook Check: First week in January. Make sure you have corrected problems.
Day 1- #8 3.2.4 3-70 to 3-75; Read Math Notes: Properties of Real Numbers, p. 117
Day 2- None; bring gluesticks
Week 14- Dec. 8
Day 1- #5 3.2.1 3-33 to 3-39 42, 44
Day 2- #6 3.2.2 3-48 to 3-53
Day 3- #7 3.2.3 3-58 to 3-63
Week 13- Dec. 1
Chapter 2 Individual Test on Friday
Day 1- #2 3.1.1 3-6 to 3-11; Extra credit due Tuesday; Chapter 2 Test Friday
Day 2- #3 3.1.2 3-19 to 3-24; watch videos (optional) Zero as an exponent & Simplifying Exponents
Day 3- #4 Graphic organizer/ jeopardy - do any TWO sides (minimum); Slopes Graphic Organizer (blank); Slope Graphic Organizer (filled in); Y-Intercept Graphic Organizer (blank); Y-Intercept video
Week 12- Nov. 24
Day 1- #1 Power to Pattern (both sides)
Day 2- None- Optional EXTRA CREDIT Puzzle investigation 1 - See Problem of the Month Page for PIP-1 Which is Fake? and instructions - DUE Tuesday, Dec. 5th; REQUIRED: if you missed class - go onto and login and add me as a coach (DD2GU5 is my coach number), go to the "Subject" tab on the top and click on "Math" --> "Algebra 1" then do the Mission warm-up.
Day 3- #12 Ch. 3 closure #13 3.3.2 3-93 to 3-95, 3-97, 3-100 to 3-121
Week 11 - Nov. 17
Notebook Check Day 3 - Ch. 2 assignments due #1-12
Day 1 - #10 2-90 to 2-94, skip 2-92; 2-88 (from classwork); look through your homework assignments and notes and come in with one problem that you still need help on or a question you have about the topic - we will address these when we do the chapter closure in class on Day 3
Day 2 - Finish the back of the Big Brass Corny Joke
Day 3- #12 finish CL Ch. 2
Day 4- #1 Writing Linear Equations Handout
Week 10- Nov 11
Day 1- #7 2-96 to 2-100
Day 2 - #8 2-82 to 2-86
Day 3- Corny Joke- Brass. (only)
Week 9- Nov. 3
Day 1- Corny Joke: Silver Dollar Side (Only); Finish Functions Task; Test Corrections due
Day 2- 1st period- 2.2.2 2-59 to 2-67
6th period- 2.2.2 2-59 TO 2-62
Week 8- Oct. 27
Notebook Check: Ch.1 E-book - on Block Day
Day 1- #1 2-19 to 2-24
Day 2- #2 2-31 to 2-35
Day 3 - #3 Yo-Yo and Corny Joke (handout)
Week 7- Oct. 20
Day 1- HW #25 1.2.4 1-66 to 1-70
Week 6 - Oct. 13
Day 1 - HW #3 1-25 to 1-29
Day 2
- Per. 1 HW #4 1-33 to 1-38
- Per. 6 HW #4 1-33 to 1-42
Day 3 - Check answers BEFORE coming to class. Link above.
- Per. 1 HW #5 1-47 to 1-51
- Per. 6 HW #5 1-39 to 1-42, 1-47 to 1-51
Day 4- HW #6 1.2.3
Week 5 - Oct. 6
Ch. 1 & 2 Test on Friday
Day 1 - HW #12 CL 2-118, 120 to 127
Day 2 - New TOC: in e-book; HW #1 Ch. 1-4 to 1-8; check answers
Day 3 - HW #3 1-25 to 1-29
Week 4- Sept. 29
Day 1- HW #9 2-93, 2-95 to 2-98 POW shared?
Day 2- HW #10 2-102 to 2-107; skip 2-104
Day 3 - HW#11 - 2-112 to 2-116
Day 4 - None; Ch. 1 & 2 Test on Friday, Oct. 10
Week 3 - Sept. 22
Day 1- HW #7 Finish solving Equations (both sides) and combining handout (only this side)
KEY for Collecting Like Terms #3
1. 4x^4 + x^2 - 3x
2. -3x^4 + 6k^2 - 6
3. -3k^3 + k^2
4. 3r^2 + 4
5. 3x^2 - 4x + 1
6. 3v^4 - 6v + 7
7. 8n^3 - 5n - 3
8. 4n^3 - 3n^2 + 3n
KEY for Collecting Like Terms #3
1. 4x^4 + x^2 - 3x
2. -3x^4 + 6k^2 - 6
3. -3k^3 + k^2
4. 3r^2 + 4
5. 3x^2 - 4x + 1
6. 3v^4 - 6v + 7
7. 8n^3 - 5n - 3
8. 4n^3 - 3n^2 + 3n
Week 2 - Sept. 15
Day 1- HW #4 1-34 to 1-39; Finish Newton's Revenge graph; Here is Newton's revenge data if you need it.
Day 2- HW #5 1-44 to 1-49
Day 3 & 4 - HW #6 CL- 1-70 to 1-76 due Monday; Optional: Job applications due Sunday by midnight; Work on Problem of the Week: Three Tiles - due in two weeks; submit answer electronically
Day 2- HW #5 1-44 to 1-49
Day 3 & 4 - HW #6 CL- 1-70 to 1-76 due Monday; Optional: Job applications due Sunday by midnight; Work on Problem of the Week: Three Tiles - due in two weeks; submit answer electronically